SOA Exam C/CAS Exam 4

Easier studying - the BPP way!
1. Watch an introductory Online Lecture
2. Read a chapter of the Course Notes
3. Try an Online Multiple Choice Test to check your understanding
4. Practice exam-style questions from the Question & Answer Bank
5. Memorize important concepts and formulae using the Flashcards
6. Use Practice Exams as part of your review.

Quotes from successful Exam C students:
"I purchased BPP materials for Course M and Course C. I thought your study materials were very clear and concise, and I have recommended your study guide to everyone who has asked me about those exams."

"I really like your guides. They fully cover the material in a concise manner, which can be hard considering the material involved."

"I was very impressed with the seminar and layout of the book."

"I think the Q and A bank in BPP is excellent and a great resource. I feel like they very closely resemble the type of question on the exam."

Click on any underlined item for more information.

All our Study Programs packages include:
1. Text/Course Notes
  (Construction of Actuarial Models, 3rd edition by Gauger)
2. Online Lectures
3. Online Multiple Choice Tests
4. Question and Answer Bank
5. Study Program Guide
6. Tutor Support via email
The Advanced Study Program also includes:
7. Flashcards*
8. two Practice Exams.
(also available separately)